Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: shooting
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This marshmallow shooter DIY is a childhood must do! It’s a simple kids activity that doubles as a science project and is so much fun you will end up playing with it even after the kids are asleep. This version of the marshmallow shooter is made with a cake pop container so the next time you have one at a party make sure to save it–you can turn it into hours of fun for your kiddos!
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Here is a fun, easy kids craft for easter: an easter bunny pompom shooter / popper from toilet paper rolls! This is a super fun toy for kids (and not just for easter)! Pop a pom pom inside, pull the balloon knot down, let go and see how far it goes! Seriously, this one will keep the kiddos entertained for a while. You can use this shooter toy for other parties/ocassions as well: just use confetti/small candies or rice instead of pompoms! You can create a colorful bullseye from cardboard as a nice addition to your toilet paper tube bunny shooter and create a fun easter family scoring game!
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With New Year's eve comes parties! And what says party more than a piñata ? This DIY shooting star piñata is great for new year's eve ,summer or really for any time of year. It’s a shooting star ,so it can easily be adapted for celebrating summer nights, graduations, birthdays, or make it in patriotic colors for Fourth of July. It’s a pull piñata ,so it’s great for indoors as well as out. Kids take turns choosing a curling ribbon to pull. So, you still get the element of anticipation to see who is going to be the lucky one to crack it open and you save dad from having to whack the thing to death to finally get it to open.Plus! You can keep the piñata and use it as decor later, or reuse it for another party. Just reattach more ribbon to the bottom and you’re gold.
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