Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: spoon
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Check out this easy way on how to make a gorgeous lotus lamp using only plastic spoons ! This lotus lamp is not just only a gorgeous and inexpensive home decor but it's also a perfect way to repurpose some plastic spoon leftovers from your last party ! This lotus lamp can be a perfect wedding decor as well! Use a glass or a small jar to form the center of the lotus ( instead of an upside down plastic cup ) and this way you can create a gorgeous tea candle holder !
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These super cute snowmen are made from simple woden spoons with a little acrylic paint and a small piece of fabric (or ribbon)! Aren't they adorable? With this birlliant and super simple Christmas craft idea you can upcycle old (broken) wooden spoons and create gorgeous (primitive) winter/ Christmas decors at the same time. You can decorate the wooden spoon snowmen as much as you wish, and make a whole wooden spoon snowman family with the kids!
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Look at these super adorable spring decors! They was made with ordinary plastic spoons! This time Krokotak's and this step-by-step craft tutorial will teach you how to make these adorable spring decors : the rabbit, chick, ladybug and Easter egg wreath out of unused plastic spoons! These adorable spring/Easter decors are perfect crafts for kids of all ages, because it so easy to make and uses simple household materials! You can use the plastic spoon rabbit, chick, ladybug and Easter egg wreath to decorate your home at spring/Easter or the kids can use them as adorable plastic spoon puppets!
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Lovely Christmas tree ornaments from simple spoons? Restyled Junk will show you how to make these adorable little snowman ornaments out of simple spoons ! This super cute snowman Christmas tree ornament is a great way to re-purpose some old unused metal or plastic spoons . This DIY Snowman spoon Christmas tree ornament can be a wonderful handmade Christmas gift as well, because who doesn't want a lovely snowman Christmas ornament set ?
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It's time time to make a beloved icon of Christmas . And it's none other than the beautiful angel . Angels are believed to be messengers of God. The lore is that an angel appeared to Virgin Mary to announce the birth of Christ and proclaimed him the savior of all people. Here is our adorable spoon angel ornament to adorn Christmas tree ! These little plastic spoon angels are super sweet and simple to make - this is a perfect afternoon Christmas craft for the kids.
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Do you love simple and super fun fall crafts ? Then you and your little ones will have great fun with this easy no-sew Dingle Dangle Scarecrow Puppet by Kids Craft Room! This lovely wooden spoon scarecrow puppet is double-sided so sleeps and wakes for lots of interactive fun! Kids Craft Room will show you how to make this super adorable wooden spoon puppet from simple craft materials. All you need is a wooden spoon , some crafty bits and pieces and the ability to draw a face and you'll be making a puppet in no time. Try to make several so that you can hold your own puppet show with friends!
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Plastic spoon crafts are fabulous because they're so inexpensive, and you'll be amazed by what beautiful crafts you can make with disposable utensils! Just look at this gorgeous plastic spoon flower bouquet! Isn't it beautiful? This little plastic spoon crocus / tulips flower craft by DIY Gifts and Crafts Ideas would be a really cute gift for your mom ( on Mother’s Day ) , or it can be a lovely Teacher appreciation gift , or a perfect spring decor ! Watch the video tutorial and learn the how-tos:
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Halloween is around the corner, so its time for some fun bat crafts ! Spooky is fine, but who said bats can't also be cute? By following along The Joy Of Sharing's step-by-step tutorial, kids can learn how to make an adorable plastic spoon bat at school or home. Kids of all ages will love this easy and fun bat craft! You can use the finished plastic spoon bats to decorate your home or the classroom at Halloween. Get the step-by-step tutorial at thejoysharing.com and let's get crafting:
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Plastic spoon crafts are fabulous because they're so inexpensive, and you'll be amazed by what beautiful crafts you can make with disposable utensils ! For example: look at this plastic spoon lotus flower planter by A Magical Mess! Isn't it gorgeous? This beautiful plastic spoon planter would be a really cute gift for your mom ( on Mother’s Day ) , or it can be a lovely teacher appreciation gift , or a perfect home decor ! Read Jen's step by step tutorial and learn the how-tos:
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These Halloween wooden spoons by One Little Project are so cute! We love that you can make something so fun out of simple wooden spoons These hand-painted spoons look great as a spooktacular Halloween decoration, or you could use them as puppets or storytime props! Gather the supplies, get the tutorial, and let the fun begin:
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Grab some unused wooden spoons and create a super adorable wooden spoon Santa or snowman ! You can help but smile at these little wooden spoon guys , and as an extra: this wooden spoon Christmas craft by Fynes Designs will keep your kids busy for hours! Have your child write their name and year on the back of the wooden spoon , and voilá' : you've got a wonderful keepsake to cherish forever!
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These wooden spoon bunnies and chicks by One Little Project are so fun and they’re so easy to make ! Wooden spoon crafts are fabulous because they're so inexpensive, and you'll be amazed by what beautiful crafts you can make with them! Grab a few wooden spoons, read the tutorial, and learn the how-tos:
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