Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: tee
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Let us show you today a super easy, super quick Christmas craft that can be a lovely addition to your Christmas decor or Christmas tree! These beautiful Christmas ornaments are made from old T-shirts ! Unbelievable isn't it? T-shirt yarn is a brilliant way to re-purpose your old clothes and create gorgeous decors such as this nice ribbon Christmas tree ornament ! This DIY ribbon Christmas tree ornament is a super creative and absolutely low-budget way to decorate your Christmas tree ! ( And this Christmas craft is also super easy to make,so you can create some with the kids as well! )
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This repurposed T-shirt bag is a super easy sewing project which can be done in an evening. These T-shirt bags are very useful at the mall, beach or swimming pool because after a long day you could just toss them in the washing machine with your regular clothing.There are several patterns for T-shirt bags floating around the internet, but this one is a bit different :it has a boxy bottom and deeper handles/straps to put over your shoulder. It's a really easy pattern to adjust, though, if you have different ideas on how you want yours to look.
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When tried to come up with something eco-friendly Deliah decided to create something that's green in more ways than one. She made her reusable grocery bag out of an old knit T-shirt . This a funny, easy to make ( and eco friendly ! ) bag idea which is also great for storage and easy to clean! You can create T-shirt grocery bags in various shapes, colors, and sizes even from a t-shirt sleeve! How fun is that? This DIY Eco friendly grocery bag is really easy and requires very little sewing. You can easily pack them in with your reusable grocery bags so you remember to use them at the store.
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Celtic knots represent infinity and eternity because they don't contain beginnings or ends. In ancient times, if a gift was adorned with a Celtic knot, it was thought to give the recipient longevity or good luck in new adventures. This no-sew headband is made with a Shannon knot, which symbolizes balanced creativity, a fitting emblem because it makes creative use of old T-shirts.
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Have you made headbands from t-shirts yet? We bet that you will love these super adorable and super easy to make repurposed t-shirt headbands by Sugar Bee Crafts! A knit headband is so easy to make and wear – it’s perfect all year around. In this nice step-by-step DIY knit T-shirt headband making tutorial by Sugar Bee Crafts you can learn how to make the pinched bow headband ,the big bow headband ,the ruffled flower knit headband ,the braided T-shirt headband and the twisted head wrap headbands .
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I don’t know about you, but one can never have too many simple cotton baby hats. I love this tutorial as it is easy and you don’t have to buy any fabric! You can use old cotton t-shirts right from your closet! This DIY for our Baby Love Series is perfect for your baby or perfect for baby gifts.
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Are you looking for a simple but adorable Christmas gift idea? With following along Brassy Apple's step-by-step tutorial you can learn how to spice up a plain white t-shirt for the winter season! She made these lovely snowman tee’s for her kids but you can create one in adult size as well! They are quick, simple and adorable! If case you don't like snowmen: you can make a Rudolph reindeer t-shirt with a brown tee, two black buttons ( for his eye) and one big red button (for his nose).
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We love redesigned old t-shirts for lots of reasons. It keeps our wardrobe fresh, and it also keeps us from spending money on new clothes. Plus upcycling old T-shirts are always fun! So grab a pair of scissors and create your own stylish fashion pieces! Redesign a t-shirt is a fun way to spend a morning coffee break or an afternoon workout. To create this DIY no-sew bow-back tank top you'll need an old V-neck (cotton) t-shirt, a pair of scissors, and some glue (she used E6000). Instead of fabric glue you can sew your DIY no-sew bow-back tank top with a few hand-stitches.
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Bell sleeves and ruffled sleeves making their way back into stores and we think they’re actually kind of pretty! So grab your favorite fabric and sew one pretty ruffle sleeve raglan tee for yourself! This gorgeous ruffle sleeve raglan tee is fun and a little romantic without being over the top. A step up from your normal T-shirt without being any less comfortable than a normal t-shirt. In this nice craft blog you will find a free ruffle sleeve raglan tee sewing pattern and a detailed written sewing tutorial as well! (So this sewing project can be a great choice even if you are a beginner in machine sewing! )
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In this video craft tutoria l IdunnGoddess shows you how to decorate T-shirts and denims with pieces of hot melt glue sticks for glue gun using microwave and an iron. If you love repurposing old clothes you will love this brilliant craft idea! These hot glue gun stick bead decoration is one of the easiest homemade t-shirt decor we've ever seen! You can use this brilliant hot glue gun stick bead craft to upcycle your old clothes ! Just create a few hot glue gun stick beads and put it on your t-shirt ( or other clothes ) and voilá it's done!
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If this is your baby girl‘s first Easter of course she need a super cute Easter bunny shirt! And with only a few days left until Easter maybe you need to come up with a quick and easy Easter shirt. So make this adorable Easter bunny shirt with pompom tail. The pompom tail is the perfect fluff without sticking off the shirt too much. You could use bright, happy, and youthful colors or sophisticated pastels, this super cute bunny butt t-shirt will look adorable in any form! For bunny patterns click >> here<<
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Today, we are super exited to share this project with you inspired by our favorite season – fall ! This fall button tree shirt by My Own Road and T atertots & Jello is a really easy sew , perfect for beginners. You just have to have lots of patience to sit and hand sew all the button leaves on. We all have those old boring tee's, bags and other plain white accessories and clothes we just don't use anymore. But with this lovely idea you can create wonderful, unique fashion pieces from them! So grab your button box and create this button tree t-shirt with Jen's step-by-step sewing tutorial :
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A simple shirt makes a great pillow to hold onto your precious memories! Memory shirt pillows remind you of your loved ones when they are far away from you. Even if they are no more in the living world, you can cuddle up to them just by hugging the pillows. It is a brilliant way to recycle old shirts too. You can also give them as gifts in loving memory of a person related to the recipient. This step by step tutorial by SewVeryEasy guides you through the making of memory shirt pillows:
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