Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: tiger
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Are you looking for a fun, cheap but still cozy cat bed / cat hous e? If your answer is yes, with the help of this very funny and detailed video craft tutorial make this fun tiger cat house from an old cardboard box ! Your cat ( s ) will love it! Of course you can make other cardboard box pet houses with this technique if you don't like tigers.
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Keep the kids room nice and tidy with this super cool Tigger inspired organizer ! This kids craft/organizing project is also a very nice way to upcycle some paper junk! All you need to create this practical and cute paper organizer is a few shoe box lid and a thick cardboard sheet. You can use any Disney or other cartoon figure to create the cardboard box organizer that fits in to your kids room, or you can simply leave it and use the paper organizer as a nice and low budget office decor.
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Do you love pretty,fun and easy to sew costumes ? We love them! At first glance this DIY lion tamer costume may looks crazily difficult, but it’s actually a pretty simple costume making project .To make this beautiful DIY Lion tamer circus costume you will need red cotton fabric ( or red felt ) ,10-15 yards of tulle ,elastic, gold cording, crepe paper, a pair of black gloves, a DIY or store bought hat, and a hoola hoop.
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Look at this super cute tsum-tsum style Disney plushie! In this video tutorial PinkSugarCotton will show you how to make a Tigger tsum tsum plush from a sock! This soft toy making project is a perfect way to re-purpose pairless socks , with a help of a little piece of felt , and hand sewing! Sock knit is a very easy beginner sewing material because it doesn't fray at the edges and it's so stretchy which make these Disney plushies really squishy. ( And socks are also inexpensive and easy to get! ) Create some tsum-tsum soft toys for your kids with this nice step-by-step video hand sewing and plushie making tutorial!
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The best things in life are free - like this lovely amigurumi tiger pattern by Jess Huff! Like most of the people you are likely to ask what exactly amigurumi is, until you see these beautiful patterns and you instantly fall in love with it. Amigurumi is a Japanese crocheting technique of creating fun and beautiful stuffed animals using yarns , just like this lovely little tiger. So grab a few skein of orange and black yarn , make this lovely amigurumi tiger today, and create a darling new stuffed animal for your loved one:
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Are you looking for a lovely handmade gift for your best friends or kids? Do you love to crochet ? Don't look any further! This lovely amigurumi tiger by Svetlana Proskuryakova at Amiguroom Toys is just perfect for every special occasion! Amigurumi is an easy to learn crochet technique from Japan that allows you to create lovely toys and gifts, just as this lovely little tiger with a big heart. So don't hesitate: quickly grab this wonderful free amigurumi pattern and learn the how-tos! Amigurumi toys are such great gifts for any special occasion!
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Playing with super cute huggable plushies are so comforting and fun! The perfect reason to play with lovely plush animals ( regardless of your age ) is to crochet one for yourself! ( Or to crochet one as a lovely handmade gift for your friends / family members. ) This time create these lovely amigurumi tiger cubs from a skein of yarn by following Aleksandra Egorova's free crochet pattern. You can make the lovely huggable amigurumi tiger cubs from any color and size yarn , the end result will be wonderful and it will surely bring great joy to the one who gets it.
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