Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: toy
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Tatertots And Jello created this simple b ut fantastic DIY tic-tac toe game just using scrap wood and rocks from the backyard. This rock Tic-tac-toe game is inexpensive and provides great entertainment for all ages.Get your home ready for summer entertaining and create this fun o utdoor tic-tac-toe game ! Making this DIY tic-tac-toe game takes only seconds and you can customize it in many ways. Paint the stones your favorite color or draw hearts on the stones for Valentine’s Day. There are many variations you can make!
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Looking for some activities to entertain the kids this Spring and Summer? This lovely DIY kids craft project by Suzy's Sitcom involves using plaster in molds to create a cute bug party tic-tac toe game ! Creating with plaster is easy to do and the results are quick and rewarding! Tic-tac-toe is one our favorite board games in the world. It's incredibly simple to play, which means you can play it even with the youngest members of. Visit suzyssitcom.com and learn how to make this easy and inexpensive bug party DIY Tic-tac-toe game for your next summer gathering!
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Recycle an old suitcase into a marvelous playhouse ! Create a compact, portable bag of fun for your kids with Tara Dennis' cool craft idea: the kids play suitcase Start with one scene or make a few and get the kids involved too, it's great for their imagination! We love upcycling projects for kids and this suitcase play set is one of the bests! What could be more unique and fun than building a suitcase play set? Also they are easy to store if they need to be put away like ordinary luggage. These unique houses will be a great talking point and provide hours of entertainment with the right amount of imagination.
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This is a tutorial by Tara Dennis on how to make your own squishy juggling balls ! The juggling balls can be made to suit the size of little or big hands, take no time at all and are guaranteed for hours of fun. DIY Juggling balls are so very easy for children to make and juggling is a great skill to learn as it develops physical co-ordination, concentration and eye tracking . These juggling balls are cheap and simple to make, which makes them also great to sell at preschool fundraising events or give as birthday gifts .
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Create a compact, portable doll house in a bag with following along Tara Dennis' step-by-step tutorial ! This little doll house has everything that your kid will need and when you finish playing; you can close it and travel with it wherever you want. Start with one scene or make a few and get the kids involved too.This portable doll house is great for their imagination! You can create a bedroom and a flower shop with following this wonderful tutorial, but you could make a lounge room, play room, craft room, bathroom, any scene you like!
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Get ready for the summer with this fun indoor fishing game by Tara Dennis.This simple DIY fishing game is easy to make and the kids will love it! This little fishing game is perfect for a rainy day, letter / alphabet activity or working on hand-eye coordination Get the kids involved, use Tara Dennis' free template and get creative decorating your fish ( or use the printable fish ) . Have fun fishing!
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It’s icy cold outside so for more indoor fun to survive the winter without boredom, their DIY peg dolls and cardboard slotted animals are ready to take you on a winter adventure! They have a lovely deer and a big moose from a winter forest, plus a polar bear and huskies visiting from the arctic.
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These ultra cute paper island boxes are a real treat. They look so fun simply as room decoration, a paper diorama of a little island (or a group of islands – there’re 6!) with its landscape and add-on inhabitants. You can also store small things & the little add-on creatures or small gifts inside, they are clever little boxes.
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So why do you need paper ice creams? There are many cool reasons! They make great play food to start with. Open an ice cream parlour for pretend play, decorate your ice cream party with them, or just have a fun filled paper craft afternoon recalling the memory of beautiful summer days. Make one as a present for somebody who loves ice cream (most people you know) when you can’t wrap up the ones that melt.
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These Earth printable vocabulary flash cards are introduces the names of a few elements or phenomena that are part of the Earth and a few friends of the Earth like the Sun, the Moon and the stars. This set includes 16 cards in 4 pages: water, rain, cloud, rainbow, fire, air, plants, mud, earth, sun, moon, stars, ice, snow, stone, wind. Available in English, French and Dutch.
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To help counting from 1-10 they’ve created these free ladybird printable number flash cards. Each number has alongside a group of ladybirds to help associate the visual number with the written symbol. You can also use them to show simple math, so you may want to print more than one set. The PDF contains 3 pages with 10 cards and the last page has a template for a cute ladybird cards wallet to keep all your numbers together after play!
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With this great video she will show you a lot ways to teach your kids to basics easily in a playful form. In this video you can find: an alphabet learning game , a shape & color learning game , a clock learning toy, and a number learning puzzle. All toys and game s are super easy to make, cheap and a fun way to learn !
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Do you have a huge collection of stones ? Let the kids make snowmen with them for this simple mix'n match stone snowmen activity by In The Playroom! You can create different games if you don' t like snowmen: this Mix and mach game will work great with other motifs as well! ( imagine a fin Mix and mach train or caterpillar game! ) Rock painting is just so relaxing and fun for a wide range of ages. So let's paint some snowman rocks :
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This marshmallow shooter DIY is a childhood must do! It’s a simple kids activity that doubles as a science project and is so much fun you will end up playing with it even after the kids are asleep. This version of the marshmallow shooter is made with a cake pop container so the next time you have one at a party make sure to save it–you can turn it into hours of fun for your kiddos!
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If you looking for a very special "magical" winter toy or Christmas kids Craft this easy paper toy is perfect for you! Make your own Flexagon - a never ending paper toy ! You can download the printables >>>> here <<<<.
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If the sock monster already ate your half pair socks it's a great craft idea for you to repurpose the other ones: the sock penguin! This penguin measures about 7 1/2″ tall and it can stand firmly on a flat surface by itself. It is a great gift to sew, be it as softie toy, hanging ornament, or merely for display. Get the pattern and tutorial to sew one soon
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This is a very easy to make, cheap but great kids craft / kids game idea with upcycled plastic bottles: a catching game! The aim of the game is to put the fish into the shark’s mouth, or to put the bee into the flower. The simpler variant is with a ball tied with a thread. You will need empty plastic bottles (they used white milk bottle for the shark and a Coca-Cola bottle for the flower) and permanent markers. Make the small fish and the bee from the yellow toy case of the chocolate egg.
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It's an another stunning (crochet) amigurumi pattern in Craft Passion, please welcome Mimi-chan, the cute little hedgehog amigurumi. I really love the roll-up posture of Mimi-chan, the little hedgehog amigurumi, not to mention it’s fuzzy quills and it just got it’s own character. Crochet it with the help of this nice detailed amigurumi tutorial, great as a gift to anyone!
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It's an another adorable sock bunny softie from Craft Passion! If you love upcycling, it's a perfect craft idea for you! Sock dolls aren’t hard to sew as you might think of. With the knit property of the sock, it is easy to manipulate. The biggest motivation you will have at the very moment you’ve just finished a sock doll with your full effort, you will feel proud of yourself as you know someone will love it because it is handmade by you and they can’t find the second piece that looks the same as this!!! Don’t hesitate, pick some socks and start sewing!
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If you don't have lots of space in your home, and you are looking for a cheap , fun and eco friendly kids room decoration this cardboard playhouse is a perfect choice! This playhouse can be easily disassembled and stored behind your big dining room cabinet when not in use. You can make it from thick carboard boxes or foam boards. Foam board would be the quickest/easiest material to work with. A foam board playhouse certainly won't last forever, but you can use this nice house template for a masonite version that your kid can use outside too.
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If you looking for a perfect baby shower gift or you just want to suprise your little one with a great soft toy sew this super cute teddy bear plushie for him/her! ( Note: This project is not really for beginners, if you have never made stuffed animals and are not familiar with patterns /sewing , I would recommend you to start with a more simple sewing project and attempt this teddy bear once you have the skills and patience to put together pattern pieces and are familiar with your sewing machine. ) If you plan to give this teddy bear plushie as a baby gift do not use glass or plastic eyes !
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If you are looking for a cute and soft crocheted toy / easter gift or spring decoration make this adorable Spring Bunny band ! This amigurumi pattern is very easy to follow, even if you are a beginner in crocheting / amigurumi. You can make a whole rabbit family with changing their base body color, or just use a "fluffy" yarn for an extra look!
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