Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: twisted
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With this nice video ( quilling ) craft tutorial you can learn how to make these cute paper spring flowers / daisies ! These colorful paper flowers are perfect spring decors for your home, and believe or not it's a very easy craft project ! You just need a little piece of colorful paper , scissors and some glue! You can use the quilled paper daisies to create a beautiful mother's day paper flower bouquet, a spring flower garland or you can simply use them as cute additions in a gift card !
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Make rolled roses from newsprint , and turn them into a vintage style gorgeous rose wreath ! Not for outside, but great for anywhere indoors ! You could also lightly spray silver, gold, or any color that fits your decor on the finished wreath ( or use colored wrapping /origami papers to make one ) ! You can use this beautiful and inexpensive newspaper rose wreath to decorate at fall or spring , or you can use this simple paper rose rolling technique to make single rolled roses and decorate other crafts with them. Upcycling crafts are always the bests!
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In this step-by-step video tutorial TQT Hacks will going to show you how to make gorgeous paper flowers ( roses ) from crepe paper ! You will be surprised how easy is to make this gorgeous crepe paper rose ! This sweet paper flower can be a perfect decor in your home at springtime/Easter , you can decorate your wedding party with them frugally, or you can gift them for any special occasion ( such as mother's day ! ) You can adapt this brilliant crepe paper rose folding technique and create other gorgeous ( spring ) decors such as: wreaths, centerpieces, garlands and beautiful accessories !
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In this nice step-by-step video tutorial you can learn how to fold this cute paper rose from simple origami curler units. Unbelievable, but simple colorful paper is all you need to make these gorgeous origami flowers ( gift toppers ) . Take small squares of copy paper with a side-lenght of 7 cm. Use these beautiful paper roses for handmade greeting cards for Mother’s day, Valentine’s Day or birthdays OR decorate a gift box , a spring mantel or other craft projects with them. You can also DIY these handmade paper flowers and give them as gift to your mom, grandmother, sister, friend or someone else special. You can fold several paper roses and make a cute origami bouquet for your wedding as
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If you're always looking for nifty ways to use your recycled handmade scrap fabric twine this is the perfect craft project for you! Cintia from MyPoppet will show you how to make recycled scrap fabric twine and colorful little plant pot cozies ! No more ugly plant pots or scattered fabric scraps! This upcycled fabric twine covered plant pot is just the perfect size to store pencils and other random craft bits. Or you could use them as planters for your growing succulent collection, ideal to cover up ugly plastic pots and prevent water damage to surfaces. So easy to make , once your twine is prepared, it only takes a few minutes to glue it and you are done!
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Love the look of topiary trees , but don't want to pay the high price tag? Here's a way to make DIY topiary trees from Dollar Store supplies! This time Homemade Lovely will teach you how to make these gorgeous faux boxwood ball topiary. Get the step-by-step topiary making tutorial at homemadelovely.com and whip up a little faux greenery for your kitchen in the form of some gorgeous DIY Topiary Trees:
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We simply love frugal handmade ( Christmas ) decorations ! These elegant twisted paper ornaments by How About Orange are easy to fold and make beautiful Christmas decorations. You can make them from magazines, scrapbook papers or even wrapping paper, whatever you happen to have lying around. You can use these gorgeous and easy to make twisted paper ornaments to decorate your Christmas tree frugally or they will look beautiful as a Christmas garland. How About Orange used vivid colors but you could use classic white or more subtle winter colors as well! This elegant , twisted paper ornament is a super easy Christmas paper craft project which makes it a perfect project for kids of all ages.
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