Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: winter decoration from yarn
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These pom-pom penguins by One Little Project are one of the cutest winter crafts we've ever seen! They are so adorable and really easy to make! You don’t need any special tools: just yarn , felt , scissors and glue. This lovely little penguin is a great winter/ Christmas kids' craft project for using up any spare balls of yarn in your knitting kit. Try making a whole bunch of these little pom-pom penguins in assorted sizes. They'd make perfect Christmas ornaments as well, as you can use them again and again! You could also tie them to a winter wreath , or you could hang your pom-pom penguins off a length of yarn , and make an adorable winter garland.
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We love quick and fun Christmas craft projects , and this adorable pompom Christmas tree by Craft And Creativity is just the perfect one that you can make for Christmas home decoration , gifts , or as a fun activity with your kids. This little pompom Christmas tree also works wonderfully as a fun Christmas gift topper , because who can resist a fluffy little Christmas tree on a car ? Get the step-by-step craft tutorial at craftandcreativity.com, and let's get crafting !
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Who loves cats ? We do! Cats are already super adorable and fluffy, which makes them perfect models for various cute crafts ! In this video tutorial Creative Mamy will show you how to make this super adorable little pompom cat ornament in no time. This cat craft ( with a little help ) is suitable for kids of all ages , and the outcome is so unbelievably cute! The kids will enjoy creating this super fluffy, easy and fun pompom cat ornament craft , and the finished cats are just perfect decorations for Christmas. ( You could use them as a mantelpiece or just hang them on a string and create the world's cutest Christmas garland with them )
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These pom-pom bears by NataliDoma DIY are one of the cutest yarn crafts we've ever seen! They are so adorable and really easy to make! You don’t need any special tools: just yarn, beads, and a ribbon. This lovely little teddy bear is a great winter/ Christmas kids' craft project for using up any spare balls of yarn in your knitting kit. Try making a whole bunch of these little pom-pom bears in assorted sizes. They'd make perfect Christmas ornaments as well, as you can use them again and again! You could also tie them to a winter wreath , or you could hang your pom-pom bears off a length of yarn , and make an adorable winter garland. They're also great as cute little gifts!
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Do you know what else you can use cookie cutters for? Crafts! Those awesome & cute shapes are just perfect for crafts ! Here's a quick, simple and budget-friendly yarn craft idea you can try out for this Christmas season! Make festive yarn ornaments and add a sprinkle of fun to your Christmas decor. Grab your yarn stash and whip up a cute string masterpiece with this yarn ornament tutorial that One Little Project created for you:
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