Mindy craft & DIY tutorials > Search results with: yarn hedgehog
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Who loves hedgehogs ? We do! Hedgehogs aren't exactly huggable, but not this one! In this video tutorial, MesPetitsBonheurs will show you how to make this super adorable little pompom hedgehog in no time. This hedgehog craft ( with a little help ) is suitable for kids of all ages , and the outcome is so unbelievably cute! The kids will enjoy creating this super fluffy, easy and fun pompom hedgehog craft , and the finished hedgies are just perfect decorations for fall. ( You could use them as a mantelpiece or just hang them on a string and create the world's cutest fall garland with them )
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Looking for a great indoor fall activity to keep your children busy? Keep the kids entertained during the school holidays or rainy days with this fun yarn craft by NataliDoma DIY ! This pompom hedgehog keychain is super easy to make and the outcome is so adorable! We’re sure you and the kids will love them too! This pompom hedgehog is such great activity for kids of all ages, plus it can be made in under 30 minutes using items that you probably already have around the house! ( No special tools or skills are required! )
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